الخميس، 30 يونيو 2016

Treet en

The launch of Microsoft's augmented reality glasses HoloLens approaching

HoloLens Augmented Reality confirms near the time of its launch in the markets

Microsoft said that the glasses are able to run any comprehensive application Universal app for windows 10 without the need for the use of another device during operation, and can be linked to more than one pair of the same application to enhance the experience of participatory use among users.

The glasses can connect to any device that supports technology-Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, where Microsoft does not intend to provide the option to use the traditional links and will depend entirely on wireless communications.

Microsoft also unveiled a battery life, where she said that the duration of use of up to approximately 5.5 hours at moderate use, as in the case of used intensively and running applications require a lot of processing, the battery will bear nearly two hours and a half.

The glasses can display images in the field of vision resembles displayed on a screen 15-inch when standing just half a meter of them, but promised to improve the field of vision with some reservations and after further tests.
 It is expected to fetch up to US $ 3,000.

Treet en

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