الجمعة، 1 يوليو 2016

Treet en

Frame camera Shining .. Samsung's new way of Notification

The idea of ​​reporting on the arrival of notice given in the light of an old smartphone and let you know the type of notification from the color of the light that you specify. Samsung will take this idea to a new area where you will not only led a small light, but put him on full frame camera.
The new feature called Smart Glow will be available first with the phone J2 and will give three types of notices a priority alerts so you can set the color of a particular person and glows when the connection or receive a message or an e-mail from that person.
The second type is called a use alerts notices to various phone functions, such as the size of the storage and random memory capacity when you reach a certain level.
Type III for fans Alselva called Alselva assistant and lights up when the camera back from the face of the user is recognized when the image captures Sylvie across it therefore can click on the camera button and be the face in the middle of the pictures

Treet en

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