الجمعة، 1 يوليو 2016

Treet en

Facebook shut down the application read News Paper

After two and a half to launch a Facebook application read News Paper adequate attention of users has not been pushing the company to stop where he received current users a message saying that the application will not work after July 29 this also withdrawn from the App Store.
The application for Facebook offers a quality user experience influences the kinetics of beautiful designs may seem exaggerated compared to his job as an application to read the news, although the owners of the sites were pleased that there will be a separate application because their news to contact through the social network for all, but the readers have had a different opinion. No one wants a new and separate application to read news from Facebook.
But everything from Paper will not go forever, benefited from some social network features and design elements of the application and add them to serve the instant articles.
It was clear long ago that Facebook intends to stop the application, even though he never called Android, and iOS system did not have the presence of more 1500 Application Downloaded in the store, as it is estimated that the application has not been downloaded more than 1.6 million times, a figure is very small compared to the number of users of Facebook.

Treet en

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