الجمعة، 1 يوليو 2016

Treet en

Windows 10 will cost $ 119 starting next July 29

When was the launch of Windows 10 for the first time for free, but free upgrade deadline nearing completion as it will cost after the date corresponding to July 29 is about $ 119.

Microsoft made it clear before that it has about 300 million users of the new operating system Windows 10 around the world and this was a great success and more than expected.

If the user has received a new device and Windows includes 10 of course has been added cost of the system on the price of the device, but if he was responding to obtain an upgrade to the current apparatus or buy a new version will be compelled to pay money to get them.

Microsoft has stated in the past that the Windows 10 system will be free only for the first year, where they will be on 29 July launched a new update called the anniversary of Windows 10.

If you want to get a new upgrade, you must first prove system Windows 10 before the date fixed for free.

from : lifehacker

Treet en

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