الجمعة، 1 يوليو 2016

Treet en

Leaked image reveals the first notebook from Xiaomi

It seems that Xiaomi seeks to provide many surprises for her fans, and by providing the first notebook - Laptops - to them. And on the Weibo Chinese, Lee announced in June - the current president of the company Xiaomi - that the new brand on the verge advertised.
Today, a photo spread leaked online reveal the shape of the new device. You will notice the similarities with the Apple MacBook device, in addition to the same color, and even put Xiaomi logo in the same position of the Apple logo.
You can also note that iPads Xiaomi seems thin and light, may mean that it will come strong specifications; in line with some of the rumors that revolved around it.
Rumors said that the notebook computer Xiaomi is coming with the Intel i7 fourth generation, with 8 GB of RAM. And coming in two different versions, the first 12.5-inch screen, and the other 13.3-inch, both of which run Microsoft's Windows 10 system.
It is expected to launch the machine in July, it can also be launched in August, where he is expected to be many other smart devices in the same month the launch, such as smart Xiaomi hour, and virtual reality glasses, next Redma Knott 4.

Treet en

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