الجمعة، 1 يوليو 2016

Treet en

Samsung launches new version of the phone Galaxy A9 Pro Global Markets

Samsung before the official announcement of the new version of the Galaxy phone A9 Pro targeting global markets, monitor the new version of the phone at the site of the Malaysian Senheng today at a price of approximately $ 500.

The Samsung has announced the Galaxy A9 Pro phone in China at the beginning of 2016, but this version was limited to the Chinese market at the beginning, but Samsung is about to launch a new copy targeting global markets

A lot of expectations in the past also indicated that the Galaxy A9 Pro phone will be limited to the markets of China, but it seems that Samsung has decided to launch the phone to the world market at the end, as the Galaxy phone comes A9 Pro specifications mimic the master version of the phone Galaxy A9, but the copy Pro the ability of the phone featuring top of the battery up to 5000mAh.

from : slashgear

Treet en

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