الجمعة، 1 يوليو 2016

Treet en

Microsoft launch Windows 10 Anniversary updated shortly

Microsoft published a statement referring to the launch of Windows 10 Anniversary of renovation on the second of August, and despite the removal of the software giant announced later, but it's the first hints of Microsoft refers to the launch of the official update soon.

End platform running Windows 10 its first year within the next month with 300 million device that supports the operating system, and with the wait for the official announcement of the launch of Windows 10 Anniversary of Microsoft Update, Microsoft Corp. launched a quick hints on the official calculation in the blog, the launch of the update in the second August.

Due to the new update free of charge comes for all Windows users 10 currently, on the other hand, users who update from older versions of Windows, you will have to pay $ 119 to install the full update, making the update process take place at a slower rate, so better now check-in get the latest update to the Windows 10 operating system, the annual update process awaited for Windows 10 to be faster.

from :theverge

Treet en

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