السبت، 2 يوليو 2016

Treet en

Fault in Facebook Messenger

If you are of those who use the application of the "Facebook Masanger" that you caution during use, that may expose your privacy.
The newspaper said "the age of British", Friday, that a pirate managed a failure is detected in the application of the "Facebook messenger", which provides a list of the peculiarities of the users.

The newspaper indicated that the sent a letter containing a link to the user displays the risk of penetrating account texts revealed his messages.

The newspaper quoted an expert in information security, as saying that the person the participation of others video segments funny and useful application, but the problem may be when the user transfers of sensitive information attached to the physical may be dangerous time.

The expert said the who discovered the imbalance that links sent through the application of Facebook stored in the database in Facebook, and thus can access to this information later, especially if it penetrated the database.

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