السبت، 2 يوليو 2016

Treet en

stunning number WhatsApp calls per second

Achieved Communication Service "WhatsApp " a new record indicates widespread deployment of service with various countries of the world after the number of voice calls more than 100 million calls per day, at a rate of 1,100 a call in the second.
According to the site of the half-masted web site", this figure of great significance to the expansion of the service at rates high-speed, especially that the characteristic of voice calls only emerged in April last year on the android , IOS.

According to the estimates of the site "WhatsApp " managed to sweep the major services such as room service Skype, which has 300 million active users per month, despite the emergence of "WhatsApp " after 12 years of service in the Microsoft-owned.

It is worth mentioning that the Facebook, owner of "WhatsApp ", was declared before 4 months exceeded the number of service users to communicate a billion user.

Treet en

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